You are here,
yet you are also not here, but there
You are here, and there
here, in the midst of there
there in the midst of here.
Here, in the middle of nowhere, yet also somewhere.
Here, somewhere, yet also in the middle of nowhere.
Thus you are nowhere
and yet you are also somewhere and can be anywhere.
You are everywhere just as you are nowhere
through the power of the Internet!
So don't sit down, don't frown and don't fret.
Boundaries can be crossed, borders can be faded.
Yet why do you sound so jaded?
You can be here, yet also there in the blink of an eye.
Just think about it, you need only try!
The Internet has made the world your oyster, its pearl your mission.
A mission that can be solved, if you'd only listen.
Then you'd find that where you are is of no importance,
but what you do where you are, that holds the real significance
So be here! Be there!
Be everywhere, anywhere and nowhere!
For as you've discovered the where doesn't matter.
These questions of location are simply idle chatter.
Think too much on this and you may just end up fatter.
Just do what you will and it'll solve this trivial matter.
So be it you, be it me, be it they or he or she.
Be it whoever you are... BE FREE!