When is My BirthdayThe Hallow Eve when the folks transform to abominable creatures,
The night they feast upon the sweet munchies,
That transpire before the doorsteps of your quarters,
Fusing this moment…
With a time when an impeccable being was born,
The illusion when a forest creature defies gravity,
During the evening breezes of the Ice Age.
The sum of this is now subtracted…
By the day when tiny angels fall, piercing an object at you that obligates you to find love,
Here and when we commemorate your other half, your other soul, your other being,
All and all that one day.
Fusing this moment…
With the time where oval shaped colored stone-liked figures flock the grounds, the trees, everywhere, any place that can be hidden by the eye of the searcher.
Fusing this moment …
With a time where independence is celebrated,
Where red, white, and blue correspond with one another to form a symbolic face,
Fire Ignites and showers in the twilight sky because this is the tradition formed in this instance.
With these clues you will find the “D” in the date.
As you look gaze upon the night you see the bright jagged lights from the sky,
These lights all have an astral connection to one another,
Forming patterns that can only be seen from your perception,
Astrology and constellation go hand in hand and a crab is formed.
With this clue you will find the “M” in the date.
Of course you will come to find 2 “M” but the whichever comes first is the one you chose.